Sur les traces du Dalaï Lama
Un reportage de Gilles Jacquier, Patrick Desmulie et Franck Nosal
Translation of part of the documentary on the Dalai Lama shown on France 2, one of the most popular documentary TV channels in France. This was watched by 4.000.000 to 5.000.000 people on Thursday October 9, 2008.
C’est l’apôtre de la non-violence, le pape du bouddhisme. Prix Nobel de la Paix, il est connu dans le monde entier ; mais qui est vraiment le Dalaï Lama?
Dalai Lama: C'est vrai, je suis toujours au pouvoir, mais cela est lié a la situation particulière au Tibet. Je mene un combat national, ca ce n'est pas de la politique ordinaire.
Dalai Lama: That's true, I am still the head of state, but it is because of the special situation of Tibet. I'm leading a national fight; this is not ordinary politics.
S'il y avait un débat démocratique entre 2 partis démocratiques comme chez vous, alors le dalaï-lama et les moines devraient quitter le pouvoir.
If there was a democratic debate between two democratic parties as you have in your country, then the Dalai Lama and the monks should give up their power.
Le dalai-lama serait donc chef de gvt malgré lui, investi d'une mission divine : sauver le Tibet. Mais fait-il l'hunanimité parmi les siens et d'autre voie peuvent elles se faire entendre ?
Thus, the Dalai Lama would be the head of government despite himself, entrusted with a divine mission: Save Tibet. But do all his people agree with him, and can other views be heard?
C'est en enquetant dans les monasteres que je vais le savoir.
Dans le sud de l'inde, je retrouve des moines dissidents. Eux ont choisi un autre chemin.
It is by investigating the monasteries that I'll come to know the answer.
In Southern India, I meet some dissident monks. They have chosen another way.
Lobsang Yeshe et Namgyal sont les anciens garde du corps du dalaï-lama. Il y a 50 ans, ils sauvaient la vie du chef tibétain fuyant les Chinois. Mais aujourd'hui, ils se sentent trahis.
Lobsang Yeshe and Namgyal were previously the Dalai Lama's bodyguards. 50 years ago, they saved the life of the head of Tibet, running away from the Chinese. But today, they feel betrayed.
Lobsang Yeshe: Le Dalai Lama, je ne veux plus en entendre parler. Ce n'est plus le bouddha de la compassion. C'est un traitre. Le dalaï-lama a commis le crime le plus grave. Il a divisé tous les Tibétains. Il s'oppose à notre divinité, Dordjé Shougdèn. Il nous interdit de la vénérer. A cause de lui, j'ai fait une crise cardiaque. Aujourd'hui, je suis un homme brisé.
Lobsang Yeshe: The Dalai Lama, I don't want to hear about him any more. He is no longer the Buddha of Compassion. He is a traitor. The Dalai Lama has commited the gravest crime. He has divided all the Tibetans. He is against our deity, Dorje Shugden. He has forbidden us from venerating him. Because of him, I had a heart attack. Today, I am a broken man.
Le dalaï-lama, Ocean de Sagesse, a offensé ses vieux compagnons. Et même, en janvier 2008, il va perdre un peu de son sang froid. Devant des milliers de fidèles, il tient des propos d'une rare violence contre des adeptes de cette divinité mystérieuse: Dordjé Shougdèn.
The Dalai Lama, Ocean of Wisdom, has offended his old friends. Furthermore, in January 2008, he will lose a bit of his composure. In front of thousands of supporters, he speaks with an exceptional violence against the followers of this mysterious deity: Dorje Shugden.
Dalai Lama: A cause de cette déité, certains sont devenus violents, c'est intolérable. Je ne veux plus de désordre dans les monastères. Et à ceux qui ne sont pas content, dites leur que le Dalaï Lama approuve les expulsions ordonnés par les abbés dans les temples.
Dalai Lama: Because of this deity, some have became violent, it’s intolerable. I don't want any more disorder in the monasteries. And to those who are not happy, tell them that the Dalai Lama approves of the expulsions prescribed by the abbots in the temples.
Pour la première fois, je découvre un visage autoritaire, lui le sage Tibétain appelle à l'exlusion de fidèle. Pourquoi et qui est cette divinité ? Pour le comprendre je vais rencontrer les adeptes de Dordjé Shougdèn. Ces moines sont pour le dalai-lama de dangereux extrémistes.
For the first time, I discover an authoritarian face – himself the wise Tibetan is calling for the exclusion of the faithful. Why, and who is this deity? To understand this, I am going to meet Dorje Shugden followers. These monks are for the Dalai Lama dangerous extremists.
Moine : Allez-y, c'est par la.
Monk: Go ahead, this way.
Dissimulé au fond de cette salle de prière, je découvre enfin la divinité Dordjé Shougdèn. Elle tient dans sa main droite un couteau, et dans l'autre un coeur humain. Pour ses partisans, Shougdèn apporte la protection, mais pour le dalaï-lama, cette divinité encourage la violence, c'est elle qui divise le Tibet.
Hidden at the back of this prayer hall, I finally discover the deity Dorje Shugden. He is holding a knife in his right hand and a human heart in the other. For his followers, Shugden brings protection, but for the Dalai Lama this deity encourages violence, and is the one who is dividing Tibet.
Moine : Cette déité n'a jamais divisé les Tibétains. C'est faux. C'est le dalaï-lama qui nous a divisé, en nous interdisant de vénérer Shougdèn. Avant, tout se passait bien. La communauté vivait en paix.
Monk: This deity has never divided Tibetans. This is untrue. It is the Dalai Lama who has divided us, by banning Shugden practice. Before, everything was going well. The community was living in peace.
Aujourd'hui les adeptes de Shougdèn sont expulsés de leur monastère, et leur photo placardé dans les rues. Une chasse au sorcière a commencé dans le sud de l'inde, et sur cette affaire, le dalaï-lama a une réponse de spécialiste de la logique.
Today, Shugden followers are expelled from their monasteries, and their photos are posted in the streets. A witch hunt has started in Southern India, and on this matter, the Dalai Lama has the answer of a specialist in logic.
Dalai Lama : Je vous assure, je n'ai jamais donné d'ordre pour écarter les adeptes de Shougdèn. Rien n'est venu d'en haut. Ce sont les abbés qui décident de ces expulsions.
Dalai Lama: I guarantee you, I have never given the order to get rid of Shugden followers. Nothing came from above. It is the Abbots themselves who decide these expulsions.
En fait, le dalaï-lama soupçonnerait ces moines d'etre manipulé par la chine, et ces opposants d'un genre nouveau, je vais même en retrouver en France.
In fact, the Dalai Lama would suspect these monks of being manipulated by China ; and I will even find some of these new types of opponents in France.
Manif: Dalai Lama, Menteur!
Demo: Dalai Lama, liar!
Une démonstration de force sur la plage de la Baulle. Ces bouddhistes européens paradent avec un slogan choc, quitte à déplaire.
A strong demonstration on the beach of La Baule. These European buddhists parade with an impactful slogan, even if unpleasant.
Homme sur le trottoir : Vous etes récuperer par les Chinois !
Man on the sidewalk: You are being used by the Chinese !
Reporter :
Tous ces bouddhistes manifestent pour défendre leurs freres tibétains, adeptes de la divinité Shougdèn. Anabelle vient de Marseille. Cette opposante pointe du doigt les contradictions du dalaï-lama.
All these Buddhists are demonstrating to help their Tibetan brothers, followers of the deity Shugden. Anabelle comes from Marseille. This opponent is pointing the finger at the Dalai Lama's contradictions.
Anabelle: Il y a une escroquerie de la part du dalai-lama à porter les deux robes : et le politique et le moine. Le dalaï-lama est un homme politique, et c'est a dire qu'il a des interets politiques. Et il faudrait qu'on s'en rende compte parce que on dirait qu'on voudrait se voiler la face en Occident parce qu'on veut coute que coute voir apparaître sur l'estrade politique un homme immaculé.
Anabelle: It is fradulent on the Dalai Lama’s part to wear the two robes -- that of the politician and the monk. The Dalai Lama is a politician, and that means he has political interests. We need to realize this because in the West we don’t want to see the truth -- we want by any means to see a stainless man on the political stage.
Principale critique de ces dissidents européens : l'intolérance religieuse du dalaï-lama.
The principal criticism from these European dissidents: the Dalai Lama's religious intolerance.
Roofing Contractors in Florida
7 years ago
Thank you for begining the translation of this important Investigative Report on the true activities of this Dalia Lama.
DL's public image of "Who is and What is Wrong With the Dalia Lama's absurdity is personified by his Rubber Stamp on the Council called the TGIE.
The TGIE will prove that DL's Pinnocchio Politics are only mimmicked by them as the Three Monkey Council of the TGIE.
"See no Evil","Speak no Evil",Hear no Evil".
He says, he is the same mind continum as the War Lord known as the "Great Murderer" the 5th Dalia Lama and the "Great Persecutor", known as the 13th Dalia lama.
All three Dalia Lamas betrayed others as this 14th Dalia lama betrays the Dharma and the Principles of Democracy.
Wasn't there a video recording in the other french documentary or somewhere else where the Dalai Lama actually specifically said to the abots that they have to move ahead and not be lame about stamping out Dorje Shugden practice? can anybody post the link here?
Hi, I'm Friendoftruth.
Antenne 2, this is good, heavy stuff. This TV Channel is an important one in France, so it's really great that we had this exposure.
Congratulations to Annabel and all the other French buddhists who were able to find their way to this reportage.
I suggest that the pertinent extracts should be summarized and put in article form, and circulate everywhere in the Web, giving the clear reference to Antenne 2.
Merci les journalistes Français!
C'est vraiment génial de voir que vous êtes les premiers dans les grands médias du monde à réagir.
Yes, we should say thank you to the French journalists, they are the first in the world to react in the big media.
And we have to say too that we owe this to those pioneers who gave a voice to our people, first, years ago, in the heroics 1996s, and then those who reacted early last Spring, particularly in England.
Hopefully other journalists are going to follow suit.
One step at a time ...
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